Friday, March 28, 2008

Gaming as a time filler

More and more, I am using gaming as a time filler while I am waiting for other things to happen or in a place with no other entertainment (The Sauna).

The DS is great for that, I just fire up mario kart or advance wars or tetris and play until whatever I am waiting for happens.

Sports games online are also good for this. I play madden/college hoops/pes 2008. The games last probably 1/2 hr to 45 mins.

What suffers, though, is the single player game. I really don't get into them. I really never have. If I am going to play, it is going to be a social experience, or a 10-20 minute stint. The only 2 games I have finished in the last 5 years were Resident Evil 4 and Mass Effect.

Needless to say, my wii has been sitting idle for a while. The online component really doesn't hold a candle to the 360 or even DS experience.

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