Friday, March 28, 2008

Gaming as a time filler

More and more, I am using gaming as a time filler while I am waiting for other things to happen or in a place with no other entertainment (The Sauna).

The DS is great for that, I just fire up mario kart or advance wars or tetris and play until whatever I am waiting for happens.

Sports games online are also good for this. I play madden/college hoops/pes 2008. The games last probably 1/2 hr to 45 mins.

What suffers, though, is the single player game. I really don't get into them. I really never have. If I am going to play, it is going to be a social experience, or a 10-20 minute stint. The only 2 games I have finished in the last 5 years were Resident Evil 4 and Mass Effect.

Needless to say, my wii has been sitting idle for a while. The online component really doesn't hold a candle to the 360 or even DS experience.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Cheese Dicks

Anyways, I am, oh let me check on for the countdown. 34 days away from playing racquetball again. I really can't wait. I don't know if I can wait without hiding my racquets and or not going to the racquetball club.

Thats not going to happen lol. I will do yoga and get more flexible and strong and when I do come back, I hope it doesnt take too long to get back into the groove. There is this cheese dick kid that will be really good competition. He beat the piss out of me before I had the knee surgery. I really hope I can compete before the summer is over.

Both in outdoor 1 wall and indoor.

I only have 34 days to get my fat ass into shape. I gots some work to do.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

My recovery, My frustration

As most of the loyal readers of plb know, I had knee surgery in January. The fucking thing had cartilage torn off of the meniscus and the bone. The Dr took some out and also drilled into my femur.

It has been 2 months that I have been doing physical therapy, bike, and some hitting the racquetball. The knee feels ok, but still not 100%. And I am getting fat. I can feel the blubber piling on my stomach. its rly frustrating, since I am used to being in really good shape.

It is really hard not to get on the court now and play, but I have to resist. Maybe I should cut the strings out of my racquet.

Oh ya, I forgot to mention, I can't run either.

I have around 6 more weeks left of not doing anything but biking and getting fatter due to the extreme amount of baconators I am eating.

anyways your mom

Monday, March 10, 2008

NoFX At the Myth

So, it is the morning after one of the better punk shows I have ever attended. The show was at the Myth in Maplewood Minnesota, which is a brand new venue in a suburban mall type setting. I should have taken some pictures.

It all started out trying to find somewhere to park in the Myth parking lot. I got there about 2 hrs after the doors opened, and about 1.5 hrs before nofx played, so I thought I wouldn't have any trouble parking. Oh man I was wrong. All of the businesses close to the myth had no parking for non customers signs. fuck them. like anyone is going to go to toys r us at 11pm. bastards. I ended up parking across the street by macy's in the maplewood mall parking lot. About 1/2 mile away.

I got in there, and the lights were flashing blue. high bass music playing. I had a little time to kill so I did some observing. What the fuck is this. there were tons of couples there. they looked like they were early high school. Who goes on a date to a punk show. thats just dumb.

Another obervation: a ton of kids had jewfros. You know, white kids with curly assed long hair. A lof of those kids had knit caps. I thought that was a fad 15 years ago. I guess it is coming back.

No use for a name played. they were good. the pit was lively. They finished. people cleared out from the pit to take a rest. there was another break. I got beer spilled on me a couple times. douchebags.

Nofx came on stage. They played str8 Edge first. it was funny cause they were trashed lol. anyways then they played dinosaurs will die, which owned. Then the decline.

Everyone in the audience knew all the lyrics to all the songs, which was kinda cool, but also kind of annoying since everyone was singing to every song.

well anyways, it was a fun time, even though it screwed up my sleeping for the entire week.

Oh ya, fat mike pooped his pants. they had to take a 10 min break cause he had to change his drawers.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

The Spread of Insanity

Sometimes even semi-capable people are susceptible to moments of momentary retardation.  Yesterday a woman from the dental centre told me that one of their receptionists was having a baby. Her name was R-something, for some reason it didn't really sink in. Later, a spherically inclined woman came up with Ruvani on her name tag and I jumped the gun to ask if she was the one having a baby. She gave me this awfully self-conscious look and started tugging down her sweater. At that moment I clued in that her name tag said she worked for CAA. Not the dentist. And then I had to ramble about how, oh of course, she wasn't the one I heard about, no she doesn't even look pregnant, that's why I asked first because she doesn't look like she's going to have a baby... She doesn't think so either, that's why she keeps pulling her sweater down. Aaaagh....

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Being Sick

Being sick both owns and blows at the same time. Let me explain.

I started getting sick on Friday of last week. I was hoping I could stave it off with some supplements, but that didn't work. Saturday It got worse. Sunday was full blown. Monday was just as bad as Sunday.

I took Monday off. I spent the whole day watching movies on cable and eating chicken noodle soup. I watched Shawshank Redemption and bits and pieces of other movies I don't remember because I was in a fever induced delirium. That part owned. What blew is that I couldn't sleep cause I was coughing up a lung all day. It blew hard.

So being sick both owned and blew.