Fifa world cup 2006 for the xbox rated a 5 out of 5 on my new scale. The Choad scale. The choad scale will be the standard in which I review games/movies/stupid crap that stand says.
fifa world cup is the 2nd soccer offering from EA since launch. It features all of the favorites from the world cup, Brazil, England, Italy are all there.
I spend most of my time online in this game, if your connection is good to your opponent, the game plays smooth. once in a while you will get someone downloading canadian dog porn and the connection will be terrible. You know his connection is bad in the team selection screen. if it takes you 2 seconds to change teams, it is time to exit the game.
The controls are responsive, the graphics: realistic. Replayability is endless. Most importantly, with sports games, it is always nice to see a game without any exploits, and this is one of them.
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