Monday, August 07, 2006

new choad test

I hate these kind of yahoo messages:

[12:21] imnotusuallythislutty: hi... anyone thrre?

[12:21] *** Auto-response sent to imnotusuallythislutty: I am currently idle.
[12:21] imnotusuallythislutty: oh your there :) hi...

[12:21] imnotusuallythislutty: a/s/l (agee sex location)?

[12:22] imnotusuallythislutty: im 27/f/USA. waas lookin at your profile. thought you might like to chat.

[12:22] imnotusuallythislutty: so what have you been up to viinneeee?

[12:24] imnotusuallythislutty: cool. i was just hangin oit watching tv. i was getting kinda horny :) (*blushes)

[12:25] imnotusuallythislutty: feel like a little cyber fun with me ? please pleease...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

o'reilly is more of a choad because he doesnt have other people making him a choad he is just a choad on his own accord so go back to him