every friday I will give 1 line choad reviews. here is the first installment of RF
Stand: Really lame toolbox that thinks he is clever and is really quite boring.

NCAA football 07 for Xbox 360: Choppy graphics, unresponsive controls and poorly impelmented netcode.

Always Sunny in Philly: I watched a couple of eps of this last night. Funny as hell. danny devito has a hit on his hands. one memorable scene: old guy putting fingers in a girls mouth and she pukes.
Condi Rice's Efforts in the middle east: At least she is over there and not stuffing her face with balogna sandwiches or giving the German prime minister a creepy back rub. 1 choad for result +2 choads for effort.

Shark Week On the discovery channel: Less bull and tiger sharks and more great whites please. and maybe throw a megaladon in there.

Work This week: It really really blows

My Racquetball Playing this week: Playing really well, -1 choads for consistancy.

My Bowels I think Have pooped at the same time every morning for 3 years in a row. is that a record?

Swamp Balls Summer Swamp balls sucks but +1 choads for the chuckle I get from saying swamp balls.

Mel Gibson: its nice to see a douchebag like this burn in his own self righteous bullshit.

Comedians of Comedy: Great idea to get the comics out of comedy clubs and into indy/punk rock venues.
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