My name is Heather and as Frec said eariler I live in Canada (but not canadian!). I've been a barista for too many years and currently a manager of a cafe located in what seems to be a haven for crazies, tards, and old people. Holy crap the crazies. I get pee in the pansters, squish faces, tards that scream "TIT!" while pointing at my boobs, old farts telling me we are charging too much for coffee and that it should be 5 cents a cup, etcetc.
Normally once I'd get home, the days stories would be wasted on people like my husband and answering Frec's IM's of "any tards??????". Not anymore, thanks to I'll going to start sharing the gems on the poop blog, but I won't be doing it alone. A coworker and friend, Susanne, will be getting in on this with her own updates and additions of our awesome customers (yesterday, a 173 year old guy hit on her with a golden line of "....and I'd like a side of you on toast.") lol.
While its winter now and there won't be as many tard stories b/c the little bus just can't make it in the snow, there will be plenty of old people that have no other place to go cept to walk in circles around the mall, and our abundance of crazies that always seem to slip by our amazing mall secuirty guards.
LOL work blows.
hi heather i look forward 2 hearing many interesting and crazy stories! retards r fun!!
A basic comprehension test must begin!
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