My main problem was that these 2 were the main villains --

Eric Foreman from That 70's Show and Lowell from Wings. Both of them are pretty goofy in general and their faces are so identifiable with stupid humor to me, it is hard to get into the mindset of them being the bad guys in a $250 million movie. Not just that, Sandman (Lowell) was just lame. Boo hoo, your daughter is sick so you wanna rob banks. What a novel concept. Half the time when he turned into a 100 foot sand blob he sounded like a T-Rex, like what the hell. What a stupid choice to make him the 'main' bad guy too. Venom had way more potential to be a good bad guy. Unfortunately it took like an hour and a half or so for them to even introduce Venom. My second biggest Venom complaint was they didn't even have his badass tongue! That's bullshit. That's the coolest thing about him.
I thought Harry's character was probably the best thing about the movie, although they did give him two of the cheesiest lines ever, such as "I defended you in high school, but now I'm gonna kick your little ass!" In the middle of a fight no less. I had my head in my hands. Other than that he was good though. Jonah Jameson also raped, even more than in the first two.
When Peter turns into the bad black Spiderman, he also apparently turned into the new lead singer for My Chemical Romance, complete with emo haircut and faggot attitude. It also seemed like they spent 10 solid minutes on him walking down the street pointing at everyone who he passed and thrusting his pelvis at them (for the record everyone who walked past him just so happened to be a super model). It really made me hate him, which is I guess the point, but I hated him because he was an emo looking fag, not for his 'arrogance' or whatever was supposed to come across. At least he beat Mary-Jane in this form, that got a pretty big "Ooooh!" out of the audience.
I am pretty tired or else I'd write more. I give Spiderman 3 a 2/5.
I realize some of that doesn't make sense and I rambled a good bit, but I'm blaming it on being tired.
emo is the new craze and they think they can attract audiences by making a main character look like an emo. Its better than idiots looking like gangbangers from Detroit. but i still hate them both
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