Now that i have you hooked, heres the story to lead you in:
Britain is finally clear of the virus and the U.S. Army have one majorly guarded and quarantined area that they are trying to make livable. In the quarantined area there is a Medical Lab where they conduct tests on how to cure the disease or immunize people if the virus comes back and the U.S. Military have a huge presence guarding the whole area (i.e. snipers, choppers and heavy machine gun nests). This airplanes drops off the passengers and the movie gets interesting (there is a small lead-in before this part which is cool)
This movie was really wicked but kind of had a predictable ending (will not give it away). It kept me hooked at the start trying to figure out how it gets respread and then the rest of the movie was awesome kill scenes and zombies(not really zombies since its actually a virus) while trying to figure out how the group is going to survive. Oh and there is a lot(and i mean a lot) of BOO times with the raging zombies.
Another problem was there wasn't a big fat british guy in a SWAT outfit crowbarring zombies.
sweet I cant wait 2 see it lol
france got owned
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