Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Politicization of traumatic events pisses me off

Earlier today Fort Bend Now wrote a follow up to this story. I have blogged it on For Evil Residents here.

There's the background, here is my rant:

Ever since 9/11 politicians have figured out the best way to gain votes is to instill fear into the hearts of the people they represent. Bush did it with his stupid assed terror scale. Where has that scale gone? I haven't seen it since, well, since he was trying to get re-elected. On the national stage, this practice has been commonplace, but in local politics, this is the first time I have seen it.

These assclown school board members, not caring if the student implicated in the crime is punished or not, boycott a meeting to discuss the case. They are trying to delay the hearing until the elections are over May 12.

But while Smelley called the special meeting, as required by district policy, he and three other board trustees failed to show for the meeting. That left Magee, Bryant, Trustee Lisa Rickert and Superintendent Dr. Timothy Jenney to face about 120 members of the local Chinese community who had packed the board room to show support for the boy’s mother.

“You’ve got a president who knew the vote was going to go against him” and stayed away from the meeting to prevent that vote from occurring, he said. “That’s not his privilege.”

Smelley didn’t want to see the school administration’s disciplinary action overturned, Magee said, because he believed it might win votes for Rickert in her race against board challenger Bob Broxson.

“You need to think about the kid first, no matter what your politics are,” Magee said of Smelley. “If you’re against it, vote ‘no,’ but bring your butt to the meeting.”

Smelley dismissed Magee’s statements, saying, “I’m trying to stand up and do what’s right, and follow the (disciplinary) process. And the process is being expedited.”

For political figures, getting re-elected is the #1 thing on their corrupt little minds. They lie and cheat until they get that office, then they lie and cheat to keep the office. If fear enters the equation, then it is a bonus power up! This is why the political system doesn't work. How do we fix the system? Easy.

1. Take money out of the equation.
2. Term limits.

1 comment:

fox said...

haha, his name is Smelley