Jack Handy
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
All hell just broke loose lol
Jack Handy
Posted by
4:35 PM
Saturday, May 12, 2007
28 Weeks Later

Now that i have you hooked, heres the story to lead you in:
Britain is finally clear of the virus and the U.S. Army have one majorly guarded and quarantined area that they are trying to make livable. In the quarantined area there is a Medical Lab where they conduct tests on how to cure the disease or immunize people if the virus comes back and the U.S. Military have a huge presence guarding the whole area (i.e. snipers, choppers and heavy machine gun nests). This airplanes drops off the passengers and the movie gets interesting (there is a small lead-in before this part which is cool)
This movie was really wicked but kind of had a predictable ending (will not give it away). It kept me hooked at the start trying to figure out how it gets respread and then the rest of the movie was awesome kill scenes and zombies(not really zombies since its actually a virus) while trying to figure out how the group is going to survive. Oh and there is a lot(and i mean a lot) of BOO times with the raging zombies.
Another problem was there wasn't a big fat british guy in a SWAT outfit crowbarring zombies.
Posted by
10:14 PM
Posted by
10:21 AM
Monday, May 07, 2007
Friday, May 04, 2007
Maybe Canada isn't so bad after all
"The debate over their (Bigfoot's) existence is moot in the circumstance of their tenuous hold on merely existing," reads a petition presented by Lake to parliament in March and due to be discussed next week."Therefore, the petitioners request the House of Commons to establish immediate, comprehensive legislation to affect immediate protection of Bigfoot," says the petition signed by almost 500 of Lake's constituents in Edmonton, Alberta.
A similar appeal has been made to the US Congress.
Posted by
9:35 PM
565 429 Solve this Puzzle
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2:45 PM
Spiderman 3 Blows
My main problem was that these 2 were the main villains --

Eric Foreman from That 70's Show and Lowell from Wings. Both of them are pretty goofy in general and their faces are so identifiable with stupid humor to me, it is hard to get into the mindset of them being the bad guys in a $250 million movie. Not just that, Sandman (Lowell) was just lame. Boo hoo, your daughter is sick so you wanna rob banks. What a novel concept. Half the time when he turned into a 100 foot sand blob he sounded like a T-Rex, like what the hell. What a stupid choice to make him the 'main' bad guy too. Venom had way more potential to be a good bad guy. Unfortunately it took like an hour and a half or so for them to even introduce Venom. My second biggest Venom complaint was they didn't even have his badass tongue! That's bullshit. That's the coolest thing about him.
I thought Harry's character was probably the best thing about the movie, although they did give him two of the cheesiest lines ever, such as "I defended you in high school, but now I'm gonna kick your little ass!" In the middle of a fight no less. I had my head in my hands. Other than that he was good though. Jonah Jameson also raped, even more than in the first two.
When Peter turns into the bad black Spiderman, he also apparently turned into the new lead singer for My Chemical Romance, complete with emo haircut and faggot attitude. It also seemed like they spent 10 solid minutes on him walking down the street pointing at everyone who he passed and thrusting his pelvis at them (for the record everyone who walked past him just so happened to be a super model). It really made me hate him, which is I guess the point, but I hated him because he was an emo looking fag, not for his 'arrogance' or whatever was supposed to come across. At least he beat Mary-Jane in this form, that got a pretty big "Ooooh!" out of the audience.
I am pretty tired or else I'd write more. I give Spiderman 3 a 2/5.
Posted by
1:23 AM
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Bruce Wilson
Bruce goes on to cuss on live TV, haha. Yippe kay ye mutherfucker
Posted by
1:24 PM
Politicization of traumatic events pisses me off
There's the background, here is my rant:
Ever since 9/11 politicians have figured out the best way to gain votes is to instill fear into the hearts of the people they represent. Bush did it with his stupid assed terror scale. Where has that scale gone? I haven't seen it since, well, since he was trying to get re-elected. On the national stage, this practice has been commonplace, but in local politics, this is the first time I have seen it.
These assclown school board members, not caring if the student implicated in the crime is punished or not, boycott a meeting to discuss the case. They are trying to delay the hearing until the elections are over May 12.
But while Smelley called the special meeting, as required by district policy, he and three other board trustees failed to show for the meeting. That left Magee, Bryant, Trustee Lisa Rickert and Superintendent Dr. Timothy Jenney to face about 120 members of the local Chinese community who had packed the board room to show support for the boy’s mother....
“You’ve got a president who knew the vote was going to go against him” and stayed away from the meeting to prevent that vote from occurring, he said. “That’s not his privilege.”
Smelley didn’t want to see the school administration’s disciplinary action overturned, Magee said, because he believed it might win votes for Rickert in her race against board challenger Bob Broxson.
“You need to think about the kid first, no matter what your politics are,” Magee said of Smelley. “If you’re against it, vote ‘no,’ but bring your butt to the meeting.”
Smelley dismissed Magee’s statements, saying, “I’m trying to stand up and do what’s right, and follow the (disciplinary) process. And the process is being expedited.”
For political figures, getting re-elected is the #1 thing on their corrupt little minds. They lie and cheat until they get that office, then they lie and cheat to keep the office. If fear enters the equation, then it is a bonus power up! This is why the political system doesn't work. How do we fix the system? Easy.
1. Take money out of the equation.
2. Term limits.
Posted by
7:20 AM