Work is full of ass-kissing ball lickers that make our lives miserable. We all sit at work hoping and praying that some day we will either win the lottery or our office is blown over by a tornado. Man that would own.
Fridays in the spring are the best-est, cause I take them off. The wife loves NBC and left it on after she went to work, so I am subjected to The Today Show. what do I see? Some douchebag spouting off about work. Balls. I almost turned it off cause I didn't' t want to think about my stupid assed job.
I continued watching. This asshole was selling a book It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your Success Is Your Own Damn Fault. Campbell Brown, who happens to be in her mid 30s like me, was asking questions and trying defend some of the slacking we all do at work.
She asked the Kojak look a like about taking work home, and working longer hours. The dude said, its your fault for not doing your work while you at work.
She also asked him about idiot bosses, he said deal with it. You deal with it Cock Gobbler. Part of the problem with work is the poor management that plagues all facets of our stupid jobs. Shittiness works from top down, not the bottom up, assclown.
Campbell asked him about making personal copies at the copy machine or using postage stamps that are available at work. He said if you aren't getting paid for it, don't do it. Does that mean if someone asks me to do something that's not in my job description I don't do that either? It doesn't work like that Mr. Clean.
He used as an example your dad, when he went to work, he worked, he wasn't concerned if he was happy or not, he just worked. I don't know about you guys, but my dad hated every day of his thankless factory job. He did it because of the paycheck. He complained.
Some people DO treat work as social hour, errand running, checkbook balancing no work time, but as long as you get the work in your job done, I don't see a problem with it.
1 comment:
I hope he didn't waste any time calling people on the phone while he was writing his book. That's his job.
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