Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Monday, April 07, 2008
Guest23043839519's guide to world dominance in Ikariam lol
Son of a tit, this failed the first time I tried to upload and I even fucking took the time to put bold on the titles. This is bullshit.
Anyways this is a guide so you can rape as much as me lol.
There are two limiting factors in the game: time and resources. You obviously need resources to build shit and you also need time for it to finish building. Resources you can control, time you cannot so in order to be grow your empire as fast as possible you always need to make sure that you have enough resources to be constantly building. You cannot generate resources fast enough from harvesting them yourself or trading, so you will have to pillage some fuckers, which is a lot easier than it sounds. So basically all you need to do is constantly build and expand while pillaging enough resources so you do not waste any time.
Guide 2 economy
Your economy is based on your citizens and will supplement your pillaging efforts. Your homos can do four things:
1) Research 1 science point/hour, costing -8 gold/hr
3) Farm 0.5 luxury resources/hour
2) Farm 1 wood/hour
4) Jerk off which apparently brings in 4 gold/hr in this game
Basically, you should max researchers, then max luxury farmers, then max lumberjacks and then let the rest jerk off for the following reasons. Research is the only thing you cant pillage so you will have to make as much as it as possible. Luxury items sell easily for 20 gold each, so a worker there can bring in 10 gold/hr, which is more than spooge which gets 4 gold/hr. Wood sells easily for 10 gold each so a lumberjacks are also more profitable than the people jerking off.
Don’t be afraid of having a negative income per hour because of your researchers. This doesn’t mean that you should get people jerking off to make 4 gold/hr. You should have a ton of excess resources from pillaging and farming, so just sell them when you don’t need them and gold will come in easily. Just make sure you don’t get down to 0 gold or the game will disband all your military units. Even if you're at -200 gold/hour it'll cost less than 5k gold for a day, which is easy to make from selling some crap.
To take advantage of all the resource farming you will need a good sized population, so you will need wine. Wine rapes lol. Your population cap is your current population + happiness, which means that every point of happiness will raise your population cap by one. A level three tavern adds 240 happiness at the cost 8 wine/hr. If we look at that in terms of numbers it means that you can get an extra 240 people jerking off which means 240x4 = 960 gold/hour. Wine you can buy from other players for 30 gold easily, 20 if you're patient so the most the wine will cost is 8x30=240 gold an hour, which is nothing compared to the money you're making from the spooge. Once you have a colony with wine, then you wont even have to buy it. If there's nothing in dire need of building, then just pump up your tavern and your town hall when you get close to the town hall population cap.
Guide 2 researching
Always keep max researches in your libraries and upgrade your academies as much as you can afford. I will be lazy and just say what research order I would use: well digging (happiness bonus in capital), conservation (warehouse), pulley, wealth (can farm luxury resource), dry-dock, maps, professional army (swordsmen for easy pillaging), wine press (tavern), deck weapons, ship maintenance, expansion (palace and colonies), foreign cultures (embassy). After that it gets a lot less interesting and you already have most things you need so who cares.
Guide 2 pillaging
So who do you want to pillage? Any f4gs that are dumb enough to not have any military units. It's kind of cheesy, but the game lets you know if a player has any military units or not. To check how big their military is go to Highscore (it's up near the top of the page of the game), select Generals and search for the player you want to check. If the guy has a score of 0, then he's pretty dumb and has no military units and is a perfect target to pillage dry. The score is based on what military units the player has. A slinger is 80 points, a swordsman is 158 points, a phalanx is 464 points and so on ( has all the unit scores). So if someone has a score of 358 then he probably has 2 slingers and a phalanx. Anyways, if you look within 1-2 radius around your town then there will most likely be a lot of people that will be completely undefended so you will not even have to risk losing units. If the player has a really high score compared to you or is in an alliance then you might want to move to the next undefended town, but other than that just go ahead and rape anything undefended dry since they're basically asking for you to take their shit.
Slingers are homo and if you attack with one then it'll will get raped by the town hall. So if you want to attack any undefended town with them, just attack with three of them. Damage is randomly distributed so there's a chance you wont lose any slingers. Once you have professional army researched just send one swordsmen to every undefended town and you will never lose a unit. You will want to rape any undefended city dry, so keep pillaging them until you no longer get any loot from them. An attack consists of 4 phases: getting to the city, the fight, loading up their resources, returning. To pillage them as fast as possible you should send another attack on them just after the previous attack has finished loading and are on the way back.
Eventually there will be few undefended town, so just find targets with a fairly low General score and throw out dispensable armies of swordsmen at them until they are undefended and pillage them dry. What you get from pillaging will far outweigh the resources you throw into the swordsmen. Bonuses from the workshop help.
Guide 2 not getting pillaged
Every so often you'll piss someone off or someone will try to prey on you and take your shit. It's pretty easy to make this a non-factor. First of all, there are a few ways to deter these homos from trying to attack you in the first place. The most obvious is having a decent Generals score will make them move to the next target. Being in an alliance will also scare some homos off. If you do get attacked and cant fend them off and trying to rape your resources then the easier thing to do is to completely destroy your trading port. How much they can pillage from you is based on the level of your that building. If your trading port is level 2 then they can take 600 resources per pillage, if you don’t have one, then they can only take 60 per pillage, meaning they will probably get bored and move on. So just destroy your gay ass trading port. (It can be a pain if you don’t have one though since trading between cities or other players can take hours and hours and it even delays your pillage loot coming in, so I usually leave mine at level 2.) If you actually want to defend yourself then just upgrade your wall to a high level and keep a bunch of phalanxes at home.
Guide 2 expanding
You want to expand fast to pump up your economy and make sure you have access to all luxury resources. Usually the game makes clusters of 6-10 islands together. I wouldn’t put my colonies all side by side, but instead on adjacent clusters. This gives you have many more close targets to pillage. Send over 3 swordsmen as well so you can start pillaging your new neighbors right away as well as enough resources to make starter buildings. The first buildings you will want to build up are the academy, tavern, town hall and warehouse. You can also make a level 1 trade port and trade post. Once the colony is pretty well established then you can build barracks, workshop, or whatever.
As for what resources to go for first, it doesn’t really matter all that much since you should be able to pillage/trade for whatever you need until you have a town on each resource. I would go for a quarry first if you don’t have one in your capital since it really sucks when you don’t have enough stone for a building and wastes building time. You don’t need a lot of sulfur to make a pillaging army, so just buy 100 sulfur for 2k gold, which is enough for maybe 5 swordsmen and after that you'll probably be able to pillage more sulfur than you need. Crystals don’t have that much use at the start of the game besides upgrading your academy. You might have to buy some crystal at the very start to get your academy to level 5, but after you start pillaging you'll have plenty to keep your academies upgraded. Crystals are more important later in the game when you can convert them into science points or use them for unit upgrades. Pillaging should give you enough wine to keep pumping up your towns, but it would be my next choice after marble.
Guide 2 random crap
- It is useful to get your town hall to level five which gives your town an extra action point so you can pillage three targets at once. Trading and shit also takes up action points, limiting your pillaging as well.
- Keep buying as many cargo boats as you need. There is no point in pillaging if you don’t have enough cargo boats to keep bringing the loot back. I had 10 boats pretty quickly.
- Don’t ignore your warehouses. Not only do they protect some base resources, but they raise the max storage. Wood can build up pretty fucking fast if you're pillaging 450 per attack and if your warehouse can only hold up to 3000 wood, then that will just go to waste.
- Build the annoying buildings that take 8 hours before going to bed lol.
Anyways this is a guide so you can rape as much as me lol.
There are two limiting factors in the game: time and resources. You obviously need resources to build shit and you also need time for it to finish building. Resources you can control, time you cannot so in order to be grow your empire as fast as possible you always need to make sure that you have enough resources to be constantly building. You cannot generate resources fast enough from harvesting them yourself or trading, so you will have to pillage some fuckers, which is a lot easier than it sounds. So basically all you need to do is constantly build and expand while pillaging enough resources so you do not waste any time.
Guide 2 economy
Your economy is based on your citizens and will supplement your pillaging efforts. Your homos can do four things:
1) Research 1 science point/hour, costing -8 gold/hr
3) Farm 0.5 luxury resources/hour
2) Farm 1 wood/hour
4) Jerk off which apparently brings in 4 gold/hr in this game
Basically, you should max researchers, then max luxury farmers, then max lumberjacks and then let the rest jerk off for the following reasons. Research is the only thing you cant pillage so you will have to make as much as it as possible. Luxury items sell easily for 20 gold each, so a worker there can bring in 10 gold/hr, which is more than spooge which gets 4 gold/hr. Wood sells easily for 10 gold each so a lumberjacks are also more profitable than the people jerking off.
Don’t be afraid of having a negative income per hour because of your researchers. This doesn’t mean that you should get people jerking off to make 4 gold/hr. You should have a ton of excess resources from pillaging and farming, so just sell them when you don’t need them and gold will come in easily. Just make sure you don’t get down to 0 gold or the game will disband all your military units. Even if you're at -200 gold/hour it'll cost less than 5k gold for a day, which is easy to make from selling some crap.
To take advantage of all the resource farming you will need a good sized population, so you will need wine. Wine rapes lol. Your population cap is your current population + happiness, which means that every point of happiness will raise your population cap by one. A level three tavern adds 240 happiness at the cost 8 wine/hr. If we look at that in terms of numbers it means that you can get an extra 240 people jerking off which means 240x4 = 960 gold/hour. Wine you can buy from other players for 30 gold easily, 20 if you're patient so the most the wine will cost is 8x30=240 gold an hour, which is nothing compared to the money you're making from the spooge. Once you have a colony with wine, then you wont even have to buy it. If there's nothing in dire need of building, then just pump up your tavern and your town hall when you get close to the town hall population cap.
Guide 2 researching
Always keep max researches in your libraries and upgrade your academies as much as you can afford. I will be lazy and just say what research order I would use: well digging (happiness bonus in capital), conservation (warehouse), pulley, wealth (can farm luxury resource), dry-dock, maps, professional army (swordsmen for easy pillaging), wine press (tavern), deck weapons, ship maintenance, expansion (palace and colonies), foreign cultures (embassy). After that it gets a lot less interesting and you already have most things you need so who cares.
Guide 2 pillaging
So who do you want to pillage? Any f4gs that are dumb enough to not have any military units. It's kind of cheesy, but the game lets you know if a player has any military units or not. To check how big their military is go to Highscore (it's up near the top of the page of the game), select Generals and search for the player you want to check. If the guy has a score of 0, then he's pretty dumb and has no military units and is a perfect target to pillage dry. The score is based on what military units the player has. A slinger is 80 points, a swordsman is 158 points, a phalanx is 464 points and so on ( has all the unit scores). So if someone has a score of 358 then he probably has 2 slingers and a phalanx. Anyways, if you look within 1-2 radius around your town then there will most likely be a lot of people that will be completely undefended so you will not even have to risk losing units. If the player has a really high score compared to you or is in an alliance then you might want to move to the next undefended town, but other than that just go ahead and rape anything undefended dry since they're basically asking for you to take their shit.
Slingers are homo and if you attack with one then it'll will get raped by the town hall. So if you want to attack any undefended town with them, just attack with three of them. Damage is randomly distributed so there's a chance you wont lose any slingers. Once you have professional army researched just send one swordsmen to every undefended town and you will never lose a unit. You will want to rape any undefended city dry, so keep pillaging them until you no longer get any loot from them. An attack consists of 4 phases: getting to the city, the fight, loading up their resources, returning. To pillage them as fast as possible you should send another attack on them just after the previous attack has finished loading and are on the way back.
Eventually there will be few undefended town, so just find targets with a fairly low General score and throw out dispensable armies of swordsmen at them until they are undefended and pillage them dry. What you get from pillaging will far outweigh the resources you throw into the swordsmen. Bonuses from the workshop help.
Guide 2 not getting pillaged
Every so often you'll piss someone off or someone will try to prey on you and take your shit. It's pretty easy to make this a non-factor. First of all, there are a few ways to deter these homos from trying to attack you in the first place. The most obvious is having a decent Generals score will make them move to the next target. Being in an alliance will also scare some homos off. If you do get attacked and cant fend them off and trying to rape your resources then the easier thing to do is to completely destroy your trading port. How much they can pillage from you is based on the level of your that building. If your trading port is level 2 then they can take 600 resources per pillage, if you don’t have one, then they can only take 60 per pillage, meaning they will probably get bored and move on. So just destroy your gay ass trading port. (It can be a pain if you don’t have one though since trading between cities or other players can take hours and hours and it even delays your pillage loot coming in, so I usually leave mine at level 2.) If you actually want to defend yourself then just upgrade your wall to a high level and keep a bunch of phalanxes at home.
Guide 2 expanding
You want to expand fast to pump up your economy and make sure you have access to all luxury resources. Usually the game makes clusters of 6-10 islands together. I wouldn’t put my colonies all side by side, but instead on adjacent clusters. This gives you have many more close targets to pillage. Send over 3 swordsmen as well so you can start pillaging your new neighbors right away as well as enough resources to make starter buildings. The first buildings you will want to build up are the academy, tavern, town hall and warehouse. You can also make a level 1 trade port and trade post. Once the colony is pretty well established then you can build barracks, workshop, or whatever.
As for what resources to go for first, it doesn’t really matter all that much since you should be able to pillage/trade for whatever you need until you have a town on each resource. I would go for a quarry first if you don’t have one in your capital since it really sucks when you don’t have enough stone for a building and wastes building time. You don’t need a lot of sulfur to make a pillaging army, so just buy 100 sulfur for 2k gold, which is enough for maybe 5 swordsmen and after that you'll probably be able to pillage more sulfur than you need. Crystals don’t have that much use at the start of the game besides upgrading your academy. You might have to buy some crystal at the very start to get your academy to level 5, but after you start pillaging you'll have plenty to keep your academies upgraded. Crystals are more important later in the game when you can convert them into science points or use them for unit upgrades. Pillaging should give you enough wine to keep pumping up your towns, but it would be my next choice after marble.
Guide 2 random crap
- It is useful to get your town hall to level five which gives your town an extra action point so you can pillage three targets at once. Trading and shit also takes up action points, limiting your pillaging as well.
- Keep buying as many cargo boats as you need. There is no point in pillaging if you don’t have enough cargo boats to keep bringing the loot back. I had 10 boats pretty quickly.
- Don’t ignore your warehouses. Not only do they protect some base resources, but they raise the max storage. Wood can build up pretty fucking fast if you're pillaging 450 per attack and if your warehouse can only hold up to 3000 wood, then that will just go to waste.
- Build the annoying buildings that take 8 hours before going to bed lol.
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11:12 AM
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